true love

Saturday March 7, 2009

hopped out of bed! a day off! hightailed it to bikram !after yoga I got in my truck and saw I had a message from "the man" that we were moving and he didn't want me to get blocked in at the parking lot. I returned to the fairgrounds and saw it was a bird show and an animal show and my trailer, Scythian 2,was in the middle of a parking lot filled with vehicles. I panicked ,got mildly hysterical and Delilah said," don't worry I'll call Mike"( he is a really good driver, he rarely plays bumper cars)
Mike saved the day, he even admitted it was a fun challenge.

The weather turned cold and rainy, after everyone dried off I suggested we drive to the town and go foraging for food and such. Well during my hunting I discovered black spaghetti!!fun or what !! @ super target, there are some pretty funky foods .In the spice section there are packets of seasonings for Tangines, Curry and other yummies, there is a whole Indian food section..There is Vindaloo,olives upon olives,bags and bags of bizarre pancake concoctions.Meats and chicken wrapped and stuffed and sprinkled with delightfulness.There is so much to choose from I was overwhelmed. As I was making my escape I spied some sea salt, black cracked pepper potato chips! Those chips almost had me but they were baked and I have my dignity.

After a couple of hours of hard foraging I returned to the Scythian 2(Airstream trailer)unloaded my booty and sat down to check email, and I tell you this Dear Diary. Let me back up , I looked at my little sample of my Starbucks coffee in an instant and said ,"what the heck, let's see what we got." I was needing a little something.
I boiled my 8 oz of h2o, mixed the coffee with the water and began my investigation.I don't love it, Sense of smell I remember my grandmothers Sanka, sense of sight, no oils and too perfect.I didn't touch it or listen to it. Sense of taste, feh, Cafe Bustello makes a far superior instant coffee.
In conclusion, not very wonderful.Who does Starbucks think they are? Teaching us about coffee, amazing coffee machines and then going instant and trying to get us to buy into instant coffee?
hmph ! the nerve!I am sticking to my stove top espresso ,maybe I'll switch to tea! ha