February 9, 2009
Yesterday was a big day.I set up on the ladder-o-death.My trapeze was longer on one side cuz the ceiling was sloped so when I swung I made an ellipse and went sideways ,bummer!!Business was excellent! Two full houses.Early shows and back stage fun.Logan is practicing his standing bow so he can do Bikram someday.Dallas is the most morning person ,that girl probably wakes up singing a happy tune..I am serious
After the shows I hightailed it out of town to drive to Louisville to see my most excellent friend Nina Carden.I guess I got her her first circus jobs ,she took the ball and ran with it !She is an amazing person,fun, smart, adventurous.. a workout obsessed freak like me ,she knows a good cup of joe ,isn't afraid of gin and is an outstanding fabric,rope aerial artist!AND she is a newlywed! Her husbands name is Larry and they are very happily ever after.She is on this big beautiful shrine circus with lots of employees.
Big is not bad.It was cool to look at all their big stuff.We were to busing yakking to take any pictures.It was a great visit.