Wednesday February 4, 2009
My truck didn't want to turn over.11 F, I do not have a block heater ,hard to believe!It was so cold my leveling blocks froze in the ground.My big bummer is when I arrived at the venue, upon observation I saw part of my trailer had gone missing.
Wait, it gets better !! show truck won't start(both batteries croaked forever ).
The rest of the show gets to the lot. I unhook and true to my in-fing -competence miss that piece of stuff poking up out of the frozen tundra..Some damage is done to my pretty truck...I cry..
just to make my day extra wonderful my water pump goes on strike !!! I am carting water and boiling it,woe is me but I is clean and ain't got no dirty dishes..
Our first show is almost lively..people come and shop with and without teeth, I think I even saw some blue eyeshadow !! FOR real!!
Delilah suggests some wine time after the show,excellent idea!!
Nothing like a fine glass of wine ,some brie, salami, olives ,french bread and ripe salted tomatoes to steady one's nerves.
Oh well tomorrow is another day.