The lollipop made the jump

this lollipop has been hanging out on the wheel well of the seat wagon I drive from town to town . It's the little things that amuse us .

Today we went through this small tunnel type underpass thing . I was sitting there because of the stop light so I took out my trusty Bat camera and grabbed a shot . The road was very bumpy before the
" tunnel " and I wondered what it was like driving a big BIG truck through that little tunnel . We have been driving over the  eastern continental divide and the Cumberland gap . Cumberland , MD is the most beautiful sight as one makes their way around the hills .However it is always a little stressful , some overheating and crawling up those hills .  I decided I like driving next to the mountain ( rock slides ) as opposed to next to the cliff ( of impending doom ) .
 It is always a breath when the Rescue Rangers arrive and we know everyone is here , on the lot at the next town . The Rescue Rangers are the caboose of the convoy , except we don't really follow follow each other , They rescue us as we drive from town to town and encounter sheared wheels ,exploding head gaskets , dropped drive shafts ,flat tires and the like . They save the day in hot and cold , rain or sun . Long live the rescue rangers