2/3 of the way

Today July 29 , 2015 is the 132nd town ,the 174th day and shows 330,331
Summertime is a sweaty time . It is all about the water cycle .
I want to swim and drink iced coffee .
I am over being on the defense with the animal rights people . Everyone talks about being pro active .
Carolyn is in the trenches trying to reach out to these people . They say they are trying to "free"  the animals from a life of slavery . And then what ? they just roams the streets and eventually die ? They need to join our team and join the journey and really live and work and care for animals . They are like children with their home made signs . The activists have not a clue . There is so much bad stuff to fix in the world , people with rotten teeth , the heroin and meth problems , terrorist activity , poverty , heath care , obesity , illiteracy , GMO food , toxic run off , transportation issues , feral cats and dogs ..I could go on and on .The circus is one of the good places and one of the great things that makes all the bad go away for a little bit , and to let us know there is hope for us . 

Hand therapy 2015

The hands of an aerialist undergo trials daily . Mother Nature can be cruel. Kimberly is undergoing Mendee wax therapy and Zaya is observing.

The coffee chronicles

Wonderful Ohio coffee shop @scenic river coffee co

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Rebecca Ostroff (@Airbex)
TV guy having fun and looking for the truth pic.twitter.com/X6sNeRzXY9

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A beautiful coffee brightens my day

@generations coffee house
Extremely fine !! Bravo


I had a wonderful day in the Adirondacks ! My day was soothed by water . The town had a pond and a rowboat ! We swam before the show and after the show and I got to row a little . I had forgotten how much I love to row.


I feel as fine as a bucket of chicken in my new summer duds .


Winnie Poo Poo is the most adorable Pomeranian puppy . I had an empty coffee cup and filled it with Winnie Poo Poo poop . I was being neighborly .
Bandwagon parking awkward .

Westport and heading west..

the circus went to New England, my stomping grounds . We had so many activities that my head is spinning . The last 2 weeks were a blur . We droveto Dalton , MA this am and there is talk of tv and radio at early hours .
Steve Faust is making a documentary . John Tremblay took photos . Bruce Johnson filmed us for the annual video of the show . The sewing never ends , I am almost out of makeup, ringmaster and tour guide and costume lady and iron jaw and family leaves little time for precious blogging