I really wanted to take lots of pictures, it is kind of difficult to be a photog when you are the ringmaster person who does two acts and face paints.
in conclusion the tour was great ! I loved it! the good , the bad, the ugly.
I had many favorite jobs that I got to do. It was a magical time !
Thank you Bob C. for the gig!
I am going to go home and get some sleep, beauty sleep .
A bunch of us from the show are going to visit the Cole Show in Valdosta as we journey to Florida.
My family, my chiropractor, my acupuncturist, my dentist, Starbucks, Hot Yoga, Siesta Beach all the things I do to keep me myself are there in my neighborhood waiting.. I can't wait
I am sounding very me me me-ish.
As I am typing I am listening to my doggie Spartacus snore, how cute