only suckers get tired

Saturday February 28, 2009
Only suckers get tired and only suckers pay agents that they do not have contracts with. Suckers pay $3 for a balloon! Why because it's more than a balloon it's a piece of the circus that they can take home with them.
Today Dallas did Miss Congeniality on the pony ramp,major 5 point face landing, then one of her dogs ran into the ring early and left something for all to smear, then Jimbo pushed open the door with his shovel and got manure all over the handle which Dallas then grabbed( who checks door knobs for manure?)WOW ,I have bad moments too
While performing my fabric act I decided to straddle climb the hard , cool way.. (Meg and Nina will be so proud) As long as I am skipping around in a costume, I won't take the easy way out!! It will never be said I took a nap in the air.
Catia wiped out on the ice, I wiped out pretty good Friday morning ..there was 1 tiny square on my step..ugh.Desire says she wipes out on the ice all the time.Maybe I should start wearing my ice skates
We did pretty good on this 2 day stand.
I used the ladder-o-death for set up and the building guy thought it was so great he is going to copy it instead of renting a lift. I did not invent it .It is Vlastic Vallas creation.