Lake Michigan

Saturday March 28, 2009

This morning I drove on u.s. 2. I left before anyone else. It was a longish drive 145miles. I started getting very hungry so I stopped at some little restaurant and ate breakfast and it is a good thing I did because when I got to the Arena I discovered there was no lift thing so I got to carry in my poles..yippee yippee.
I got a good system ,I get it together wrangle up a few folks and in 10 minutes ,TADA I are an aerialist. It was a little challenging but it didn't kill me and I am stronger.Today I am "happy and proud".

Back to u.s 2 ,I viewed frozen, snowy Lake Michigan and it was beautiful!! I also listened to the Bob and Tom Show and they talked about penile implants.. I lmao.

We've been rockin it here in Showbiz land..If you don't mind the cold it ain't bad.

I got a knack with talking to the building people. I don't know what it is. Today I asked the nice man if I could buy some red hockey tape. We looked around, he saw there was none. Later on when I was blowing up balloons he came by and told me he went to three stores looking for red hockey tape!! Amazing!! This dude was older ,like he was old enough to be my dad..hmmm ,what does this mean.Do I look like I need help? Or am I just excellent at asking people things?