Maybe I like cruel

It is still Thursday. Unfortunately we have the weekend off.Very sucky ,no worky no checky. My dilemma is this- should I take advantage of this free time and do Bikram Yoga , maybe check out a zoo, go to a museum OR should I bum a vicodan off the toy man and numb myself and sleep or loll my eyes around..He is taking them for some tooth hell and seems quite content. I could be like "House" for a few hours.

Tearing down my poles/uprights was excellent! the whole crew pitched in. I just sort of fell asleep waiting but it was speedy quick and super easy.

Today was 60f ,water was flowing it is amazing how civilized one can feel when not washing out of jugs AND I turned on the water and washed my hands for no good reason except that I could.I really love running water.